Garbage Truck 101: A Guide to Trash Vehicle Buying and Maintenance

Garbage Truck 101: A Guide to Trash Vehicle Buying and Maintenance

Waste collection and management is a business venture that requires smart operations and high standards for efficiency and performance. Your fleet of refuse collection vehicles plays a crucial role in your business, and must be assembled and maintained carefully. Whether you are buying a new vehicle or browsing through used garbage trucks for sale, there are certain factors that you need to think through before making a decision.

Some points that you must consider before buying a trash truck are:

1, Nature of Use – Make sure that you are clear about what the vehicle would be required to do once it joins your waste collection fleet. If you are looking for a vehicle to collect commercial or industrial waste, front loader models should be your ideal choice. For residential waste collection, rear loader or side loader variants work best.

  1. Reliable Seller – This is an important factor to consider when you are planning to buy a used trash truck for your business. While there are many private sellers which offer used and new garbage trucks for sale, you should consider buying from a trusted dealership near you to ensure a secure and rewarding investment.
  2. Due Documentation – If you decide to buy a pre-owned carrier, it is essential that you ask the dealer for a detailed report on the fitness of the vehicle, components that have been replaced, and the parts that need repair before the truck can be used on the road. Also ask your dealer whether the body or the engine has been swapped, and has it affected the performance of the truck in any way.

This documentation will help you get a better picture of the efficiency of the vehicle you want to buy. Avoid buying from private sellers offering garbage trucks for sale, as they do not always have the knowledge about how much investment might be required to restore the fitness of the vehicle. Renowned dealerships, on the other hand have trained and certified staff that can help you save money on your new truck.

Maintaining Your Refuse Truck

The first towards ensuring long time performance and fitness of any automobile is by learning the most efficient way to operate it. Ask your dealer or seller to give you and your team a detailed orientation about the features of the truck, how to operate it, and what to expect in terms of performance. Most waste collection trucks breakdown within first 10 years because they are subjected to harsh usage. Regular maintenance and servicing will allow you to use the vehicle for many years to come.

While some people believe that a used garbage truck would require more care and maintenance on a regular basis than a new model, this is not completely correct. Apart from some components being replaced and a thorough servicing, your used vehicle can function exactly like a brand new truck. Some experts suggest that efficient operation of a used garbage truck can save up to $60,000 over the life of the vehicle compared to a brand new one.

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