Benefits Of Investing In A New Shaft Engine Rocker Arm

Benefits Of Investing In A New Shaft Engine Rocker Arm

Using stud rockers, girdles, and poly locks, all obsolete components that have no place in a modern high-performance engine, continue to be a challenge for many engine builders. Therefore, if you want to add significance to your buyers’ performance engines, it is time to switch to shaft rockers.

Benefits that come with investing in a new shaft engine rocker arm

Rocker Arm is a type of suspension system used in vehicles. They are designed to improve ride quality and handling, allowing the car to move more freely in the suspension. Rocker Arms are usually found in sports cars and luxury vehicles.

Benefits of Shaft Rocker

  • More Power

No matter the valve lift or rocker ratio, more power is always the result of less friction in the valvetrain. When operating at high rpm, shaft rockers maintain excellent stability, ensuring correct valve timing.

Shaft rockers are aligned by positioning the roller right over the valve tip, while the stud placement aligns stud rockers. Stud rockers are connected to the head using a steel stand that sets the roller directly over the valve tip.

  • Increased Reliability

Shaft rockers have fewer comebacks for the engine builder because they are gentler on valve guides, valve seats, and valve tips. That’s because the longer pivot length rocker side-loads the valve less than shorter rockers with shorter pivot lengths.

Stud rockers move up and down the stud to take up the valve lash before opening the valve, while shaft rockers merely spin to take up the lash before opening the valve. For illustration purposes, assume that your valves are lashed, which means that the stud rockers are moving up and down the stud each time the valve opens.

Imagine this slide-hammer effect occurring at 7,000 revolutions per minute! And if there is a problem with the valve float, the whole weight of the rocker will be placed onto the valve tip until the system is reset.

  • User Friendly

It’s a bit of a nuisance to lash the valves with stud rockers and the stud girdle that goes along with it. First, the stud girdle is loosened, the valves are lashed, and finally, the stud girdle is tightened again. By tightening the stud girdle, the valve lash is adjusted to compensate for even the tiniest misalignment of the studs.

The lash stays on shaft rockers for a much longer period and is considerably simpler to apply correctly. Because the valve covers on certain vehicles are notoriously difficult to remove between rounds, having a car that can run a whole race weekend without requiring the adjustment of the valves is a significant advantage.

A significant number of racers have discovered that they can remove shaft rockers from their stand, repair a valve spring, and then replace the rockers without having to readjust the lash.

  • More Options

Other key attributes of shaft rockers include the following: 

  • Increased adaptability to often changing cylinder head designs
  • The ability to offset pushrods to clear bigger ports 
  • A variety of pivot lengths that can support a broad range of ratios, from 1.40 to 2.25!

If you are looking for a reputed rocker arm manufacturer in India, please contact Garima Global. We can provide you with a wide range of rocker arms that are perfect for your vehicle. We have a team of experienced engineers who can help you choose the engine rocker arm for your application!

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